بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
نباتات تساعد على النوم
عقّار مهدّىء للأعصاب يُستخرج من جذور الناردين
Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae
The Latin term valere means "good health."
Valerian :
Valerian is a relaxant herb that has a calming effect on the nervous system.
For insomnia it helps induce sleep quickly, decreasing the amount of time taken to fall asleep.
Valerian like some drugs modulates GABA receptors which are present in 40 of the brains cells.
Over activity is thought o cause nervousness and insomnia. But valerian acts in a milder manner with no side effects, grogginess or addiction
مستحضر جذور الناردين
تحذير :-
Valerian tea should not be prepared with boiling water
Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile is known as a mild herb but can be surprisingly effective.
It promote sleep with tranquilizing action similar to some drugs.
Chamomile also helps reduce stress related chemicals in the brain and promotes adrenal health.
*Note : best not used for extended periods without a break
passion flower
Passiflora; syn. Disemma Labill
Works with the body to create balance for exhaustion, overwork, anxiety, stress, drugs, alcohol, asthma, cough and pain related insomnia.
Acts as a mild MAO inhibitor without the hangover or sedative properties
يساعد البصل على النوم
معلومات هامة :-
هرمون ليلي
احذر من النوم والانارة شغالة لانك تعيق افراز هذا الهرمون
Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces at night
It is sometimes called the "sleep hormone" because it is so important to healthy sleep.
People who are blind, who suffer from jet lag, or who live in places with extended sunlight hours may have trouble sleeping because their bodies do not produce enough melatonin
Patients looking for a short-term sleep solution may be helped by taking melatonin supplements, as will persons whose natural wake/sleep cycles have been disturbed
Melatonin is also helpful to people who are trying to
wean themselves off of sleep medications
SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine) is an amino acid derivative, and is found normally in the body
It is typically used as an antidepressant, but is also commonly used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome or as an herbal sleep aid
Its actions in the body help to promote healthy sleep cycles, especially when taken daily for several weeks
Mario Kyriazis, M.D, author of The Anti-Aging Plan (Element, 2000) explains that SAMe helps to promote sleep by increasing serotonin, a nerotransmitter important to sleep and mood
SAMe also works with the hormone melatonin to harmonize the body's natural day/night rhythms
SAMe is extremely safe, with no known serious side effects
Minor possible side effects in high dosages may include nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is a precursor to seratonin
Low seratonin levels can cause irritability, anxiety, and sleeplessness, so adding more tryptophan to your diet can help you relax and will promote healthier sleep patterns
Many foods naturally contain tryptophan
Increasing the amount of turkey cottage cheese
brown rice
or milk in your diet will help your body to manufacture seratonin
Tryptophan supplements are also available